To adequately support learners, educators need to be able to identify what type of guidance is best suited to the learner’s individual needs — advising, coaching or mentoring. However, there is not broad understanding of the definitions of these terms, how they differ and in what situations each is most applicable. This workshop will help educators recognize actions and purposes of advising, coaching and mentoring and how
to identify which role is best suited to meet the learner’s needs and capitalize on the educator’s time and skills.
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
1. Compare and contrast the actions and purposes of advising, coaching and mentoring.
2. Identify the most appropriate role for a given situation.
3. Describe strategies for effective supportive relationships.
- 1.00 Attendance
- 1.00 Nursing Contact Hours
Houston Methodist is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Houston Methodist will award 1.00 Nursing Continuing Professional Development contact hours for this activity. Participants must attend the activity in its entirety and complete the continuing education evaluation.