Transplant Foundations Day 1 January 15, 2025
Target Audience
Registered Nurses
Learning Objectives
Nurses attending this course will be able to provide evidence based high quality care based on knowledge of related pathophysiology and psychosocial processes to patients who are candidates for and undergo solid organ transplant. They will be prepared to anticipate care needs, recognize changing conditions, initiate interventions and provide accurate anticipatory guidance for transplant patients along the continuum of care.
Nurses Learning Outcome:
At least 50% Nurses attending this course will report via the post activity evaluation an increased confidence (choosing either “greatly or fairly increased”) in their ability to anticipate care needs, recognize changing conditions, initiate interventions, and provide accurate anticipatory guidance to patients who are candidates for and undergo solid organ transplant .
At least 70% will indicate they have learned something new related to care of patients undergoing solid organ transplant and will describe how they think implementing this may impact performance improvement or patient outcomes.
R2-306 RI Auditorium
Susan Zylicz
Larry Johnson
Serina Priestley
Michelle Bell
Mozhgon Moaddab
Javita Alexander
Amy Lawless
Courtney Cromer
Daniel Kerr
Houston Methodist is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
To be awarded 6.75 continuing professional development hours, the participant must attend the program in its entirety and complete the evaluation tool.
Available Credit
- 6.75 Attendance
- 6.75 Nursing Contact Hours
Houston Methodist is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Houston Methodist will award 6.75 Nursing Continuing Professional Development contact hours for this activity. Participants must attend the activity in its entirety and complete the continuing education evaluation.