The session will begin with a series of discussion questions asking participants if they seek feedback and if so, to describe how they go about doing this and how satisfied they are with the results. They will then watch a short trigger video of a feedback exchange and reflect on what behaviors the learner demonstrates that support receiving feedback. The workshop will use the Johari Window concept to explain how everyone has parts of themselves they are aware of and parts they are blind to, which is why feedback is so important. We will provide strategies to facilitate asking for, responding to, and acting on feedback and will describe how self-assessment and developing learning goals can help shape feedback conversations that are more actionable. We will watch several other short videos to allow learners to see good and bad examples of feedback seeking behavior and will discuss how to overcome common barriers to asking for, responding to,
and acting on feedback.

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
1. Identify strategies to facilitate asking for, responding to, and acting on feedback.
2. Describe the role of individualized learning plans in assisting with self-assessment
and developing a learning goal orientation.
3. Explain how the Johari window framework can foster feedback seeking behavior.

Session date: 
04/11/2025 - 11:00am to 12:00pm CDT
Houston Methodist Hospital
6565 Fannin St
Dunn Blanco
Houston, TX 77030
United States
  • 1.00 Attendance
  • 1.00 Nursing Contact Hours

    Houston Methodist is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

    Houston Methodist will award 1.00 Nursing Continuing Professional Development contact hours for this activity. Participants must attend the activity in its entirety and complete the continuing education evaluation.

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