HMTW Principles of Advanced Cardiovascular Nursing- Critical Care- October 2, 2025
Description: The purpose of this course is to orient ICU nurses to the best practices related to the recovery of the postoperative cardiovascular patient and may also serve as a refresher for nurses who currently care for this dynamic patient population.
Target Audience
HMTW ICU Registered Nurses
9:00 AM – 11:15 AM
- Welcome, introductions, and ANCC disclosure (10 minutes)
- Anatomy & Pathophysiology of Heart
- Hemodynamics, Interpretation, Tools Utilized in Critical Care for Monitoring
- Preoperative Care of the CV Patient
- Coronary Bypass Surgery: Types, Complications
11:15 AM – 11:30 AM Break
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
- Cardiac Valve Surgery: Types, Complications
- Immediate Postoperative Period (IPP): Nursing Implications for Compromised Hemodynamics
12:30 PM – 1:00 PM LUNCH
01:00 PM - 3:15PM
- Immediate Postoperative Period Pharmacokinetics
- Immediate Postoperative Period: Valve Surgery
- Dysrhythmias & Nursing Implications
- Fluid/ Electrolyte Imbalances
- IPP: Pulmonary Management & Nursing Implication
3:15 pm – 3:25 pm Break
3:25 pm – 5:30 pm
- IPP: GI Complications & Nursing Implications
- IPP: Pain Management & Nursing Implications
- IPP: Infection Prevention & Nursing Implications
- IPP: Neurological Complications & Nursing Implications
- IPP: Emergency Protocols (STS Protocol) & Nursing Implications
- IPP: Aneurysm Repair & Nursing Implications
- Evaluation
Cindi S. Thomas, MSN, BSN, RN, CVRN-BC
The activity's Nurse Planner has determined that no one who has the ability to control the content of this CNE activity - planning committee members and presenters/authors/content reviewers - has a conflict of interest. Please send any questions to HMHNursePlanners@HoustonMethodist.org.
Houston Methodist is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
To be awarded 7.00 continuing professional development hours, the participant must attend the program in its entirety and complete the evaluation tool.
Available Credit
- 7.50 Nursing Contact Hours
Houston Methodist is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Houston Methodist will award up to 7.50 nursing professional development contact hours for this activity.
Register/Take course
For Houston Methodist Employees:
If you are an employee of Houston Methodist and this is your first time accessing this site, you may proceed to register for your activity by following these steps:
- Select “Log In / Register” on the top right of the page.
- Select “Houston Methodist login” to log in using your Houston Methodist email address and network password.
- Edit your profile accordingly and save.
- Mobile number update: provide and confirm your mobile number.
- Then proceed to register for your activity.
If you have previously created a profile, you may proceed to register for your activity by completing the above steps 1 & 2 and registering for your activity.
For Non-Houston Methodist Employees:
If this is your first time access this site, please create your account by following these steps:
- Select “Log In/Register” on the top right of the page
- Select “Create new visitor account.”
- Edit your profile accordingly and save.
- Update your mobile number.
If you have previously created a profile, you may proceed with registering for the activity by selecting “Log In.” Select “Visitor Log In,” and login with the information you previously used.
For additional information please visit the FAQ section.