"The New Frontier of RNA Nanotherapeutics” Annual International Meeting

Call for Posters

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Key Dates

Poster Abstract Submission Deadline Extended:                  12 Noon CST on October 10, 2022
Annual International Meeting:                                                      9 a.m. - 5 p.m. on October 24, 2022

As part of their dedication to translational research excellence, the Kostas family has donated a very generous gift to Houston Methodist toward funding high-impact solutions for cardiovascular diseases. This gift supports and fosters research collaborations in cardiovascular nanomedicine, partly through an international meeting held each year. The meeting will feature leading experts from academia, industry, or government in the fields of nanomedicine, bioengineering, and cardiovascular medicine. It will also highlight emerging and transformational technologies and their applications for healing damaged hearts and vascular tissue.

  • Poster abstracts are being solicited that address challenges in the field of cardiovascular nanomedicine.
  • Prizes for the best poster presentations will be awarded at the Annual International Meeting: one (1) $1,000, two (2) $750, and three (3) $250 travel awards. 

Selected abstracts will be presented as posters in-person on October 24, 2022 during the George and Angelina Kostas Research Center for Cardiovascular Nanomedicine Annual International Meeting at Houston Methodist Research Institute, Houston, Texas.

In addition to the event “Poster Session” as many as 20 applicants will be chosen to participate in the “Lightning Round Talks” or 1-minute poster blitz talks featured during the George and Angelina Kostas Research Center for Cardiovascular Nanomedicine Annual International Meeting. All blitz presentations are eligible for larger poster awards.

Eligibility Information  

All investigators and associates at Houston Methodist and collaborating institutions in the Texas Medical Center are eligible to submit. Postdoctoral fellows, residents, students, and other trainees are especially encouraged to participate.  
More than one abstract from an investigator may be submitted. However, each abstract must represent a distinct project. 

Submitted abstracts will be evaluated on the following criteria: 

  • Significance and innovation of research 
  • Impact of findings 
  • Clarity of presentation 

Guidelines for Submission 

Please submit the Poster Abstract Submission form to no later than 12 Noon CST on October 10, 2022. Applicants with abstracts selected for poster presentations will be notified shortly thereafter. All communication regarding the abstract/poster will only be directed to the author who submits the abstract. In addition, at least one listed author must be registered to attend the conference. 

Important Note:Poster presentation is considered a public disclosure, therefore corresponding authors should either ensure that appropriate intellectual property protections have been secured or that the abstract is not-enabling. Please consult with the Office of Technology Transfer for more information at:
Abstractsshould be organized to include: 

  • Background: Clearly articulate the rationale and significance for the research and include background information. 
  • Hypothesis/Specific Aims: State the objective of the research. 
  • Methods: Clearly describe the experimental design. 
  • Results/Improvements: Describe the outcomes of the study and indicate improvement strategies, as applicable. 

Format Requirements 

The Poster Abstract Submission Form must be submitted electronically to

Complete all categories on the form:

  • Abstract Title: Type the abstract title in ALL CAPS. Limit title to 30 words including articles (e.g., the, an, a).
    Do NOT use abbreviations. 
  • List authors and their affiliations in the same order and use superscripts to match the authors with their respective affiliated institutions. 
  • Abstract should not exceed 500 words and must fit within the perimeters of the box on the Poster Abstract Submission form.
  • References should not be included. 
  • Font: Arial 11 
  • Spacing: Single space or no more than 6 lines of type in one inch  

PDF icon Poster-Abstract-Submission-Form.pdf

Questions may be directed to: 
Office of Communications and External Relations 
Houston Methodist Academic Institute 