Currently accepting applications for  SECONDARY Submission Window

How does this impact you?

If you intend to use MITIE sim center in 2025, you must apply during one of two designated review cycles. This is quite different from previous years where requests to host an activity could be submitted as the need arose. Also, the required application content is much more extensive than previous intake methods.

Please note — This process does not apply to requests for activities to be held in 2024. These will continue to be reviewed as needed via current-state intake methods.


Does this apply to CE-accredited activities?

This applies to both accredited AND non-accredited education activities if there is a MITIE sim center component.

  • This applies to all activities seeking CME and/or Nursing CE credit that are generally a half day or longer (i.e. includes everything from half-day to multi-day activities).

The application process does not apply to:

  • Certain system or hospital initiatives, such as projects with the primary goal of enhancing patient safety, implementing safe medical practices, improving healthcare quality, and strengthening infection control measures.
  • Select research activities or requirements.
  • Grand Rounds, regularly scheduled series, standalone lectures, and other similar activities. 

What is required for the application?

  1. Needs Assessment and Activity Scope
    Identify the educational need of the proposed activity, objectives, potential impact of the activity and logistical needs.
  2. Activity Agenda
    “Good faith” agenda* with topics and timings. 
    *Note — A final agenda is not needed at the time of submission, but will be required within six months of the activity start date.
  1. Proposed Faculty List
    Must include all proposed faculty*, including credentials and titles/affiliations and proposed honoraria (please ensure you abide by the system honorarium policy CME 06 – Honorarium and Reimbursement Policy).
    *Note — Faculty/speakers do not need to be confirmed/finalized for the application.
  2. Lab Plan (if applicable*)

*Applies only to activities that include a hands-on workshop or lab.

A detailed lab plan is required as part of the application. For guidance, see the lab planning procedure document located within the application link.

The lab plan can be submitted separately any time during the submission window and does not need to be submitted with the application. However, applications missing lab plans by the submission window deadline will not be accepted.  

               The Lab Plan includes the following components:

      1. Procedures and Models
      2. Stations and Rotations
      3. Equipment and Consumables


  1. References Cited (1-page maximum)
    • Include only the most relevant references.
    • Use NIH style, listing all authors.
  2. Financial Disclosures
    Required for every person involved in controlling the educational content of the application (i.e., course director(s) or planning members involved in topic and speaker selection).
  3. Industry Support (Exhibits and Sponsorships) (if applicable)
    List of companies that will be solicited to exhibit and/or sponsor the activity.
  4. Industry Support (In-Kind Donations) (if applicable)
    List of companies and detailed list of all equipment/supplies/products that will be requested from each company.
  5. Course Director(s) Attestation
    Attest to adhere to policies and procedures, accreditation requirements (if applicable), activity timelines and deadlines.
  6. Budget/Financial Agreement 
    Budget and document of financial understanding signed by course director(s) and appropriate manager (i.e., department chair, administrator, director).

Note—The budget and financial agreements will be finalized after the applicant has submitted the application.


When are the submission windows? What are the timelines?

There are two application submission windows, and both are scheduled to occur before annual department budgeting closes.

Submitting during the primary window is highly recommended for better scheduling opportunity.

If your activity is expected to occur in Q1 2025 then you must submit your application within the primary window—Deadline has been extended to April 14


JANUARY 1 – MARCH 31, 2024

Note — Activity Dates in Jan-Mar 2025 must submit in this window

Key Dates

Client Application






Draft & Review


Committee Review

Application Decisions

Kick-off meetings

Jan 1, 2024

April 14


May 31



July 2024



APRIL 1 – JUNE 30, 2024

Note — Available dates may be more limited due to scheduled activities from primary window.

Key Dates







Draft & Review


Committee Review

Application Decisions

Kick-off meetings

Apr 1, 2024

Jun 30


Aug 31



Oct 2024


What is the budget development/review/approval process?

DRAFT — Budgets will be drafted for you based on the information in your application

REVIEW — Drafted budgets will be reviewed with you, the applicant, to ensure accuracy and notify you of any amount your department will be responsible for (e.g., catering, specialty lab supplies, etc.)

APPROVE — You must get your budget approved by your department management or leadership. This includes signing a financial agreement accepting responsibility for any projected expenses.


I plan to apply for a MITIE Training Award for 2025——Do I have to apply here too?

Yes, the MITIE Training Awards process is an application for funding and is not an alternative to this process. All activities that intend to make use of MITIE sim center must be submitted for consideration through this process regardless of funding source.


What is the potential funding for CME activities?

Applications that meet the following criteria may be eligible to receive support of up to $10,000 in direct costs only.

  • Submitted during Primary Submission Window
  • Seeking CME certification
  • Highly scored during review

Awarded funds must be spent on the approved activity and must reflect the actual needs of the proposed activity. No carryover of unspent funds is allowed. Funds can only be used for the following:

  • Marketing and promotional expenses
  • Food and beverage expenses*
       *(excluding speaker/faculty dinners and receptions)
  • Speaker/faculty expenses*
       *(excluding speaker/faculty gifts; applies to speaker/faculty honorarium and transportation/travel costs only)
  • Audio/Visual expenses
  • Lab/Simulation center expenses


I’m working with an external professional society to host an activity at Houston Methodist——Do I need to apply here?

Yes. Even though the primary client may be an external entity, we recommend you submit through this process if the activity is being championed by a Houston Methodist faculty member. This will ensure the best chance of getting on the schedule for 2025.


I’m a Houston Methodist faculty member who uses MITIE for research activities——Do I have to apply here?

If you have an idea of your scheduling needs this early, it’d be helpful if you did submit. However, we recognize that research activities need a degree of flexibility and responsiveness as the study evolves. We aim to do our best to accommodate these needs as they arise. But as always—the earlier we know, the better.


Contact Information

For questions related to this RFA, please contact:

Houston Methodist CME
Houston Methodist Nursing CE
Houston Methodist Institute for Technology, Innovation & Education (MITIE)


Currently accepting applications for SECONDARY Submission Window
Submission Deadline: June 30