1 Start 2 Complete
At the completion of this activity the RN will be able to describe rules and regulations around the consenting process, as evidenced by self-reported achievement on the evaluation.
Speaker Evaluations; Please rate the speakers based on the following scale: 5 = Outstanding, 4 = Good, 3 = Satisfactory, 2 = Fair, 1= Poor
Knowledge of Subject Matter
Appropriateness of Teaching Method
Knowledge of Subject Matter:
Appropriateness of Teaching Method:
Was the activity free of commercial bias? [Commercial bias is defined as information presented in a manner that attempts to sway participants' opinions in favor of a particular commercial product for the express purpose of furthering a commercial entity's business.]
3.1 If bias detected please explain:
Did the information presented reinforce and /or improve your current skills?
Did you learn anything form this activity that you could implement in your clinical practices?
Describe how these changes may impact performance improvement or patient outcomes:
If you were not able to incorporate any information learned, what are the barriers that prevent implementing a change in practice?
Describe any potential educational interventions that could be applied to overcome these barriers.
Please rate based on the following scale: 5 = Outstanding, 4 = Good, 3 = Satisfactory, 2 = Fair, 1= Poor
Webinar format was conducive to learning
Audiovisual Quality
Comments Webinar format was conducive to learning:
Comments Audiovisual Quality:
The overall organization/Quality was?
If this or a similar activity is held again, what related topics would you like to be offered?
One a scale of 1-10; how likely is it that you would recommend this activity to a friend or colleague?
One a scale of 1-10; please rate your overall satisfaction of this activity.
Additional Comments: