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Upon completion of this activity, Registered Nurses will state an increase in knowledge related to the disease process, diagnosis, or treatment options for amyloidosis as stated on the post-activity evaluation tool.
CompletelyAlmost CompletelySomewhatNot at All
Identify novel approaches to cardiovascular regeneration
Define molecular pathways in cell fate
Enumerate methodologies in genome editing
Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
The content was clearly organized.
The speaker(s) were knowledgeable.
Participation in this activity increased my professional competence.
Participation in this activity will improve my performance skills in my practice setting.
Participation in this activity will assist in the improvement of my patient outcomes.
The educational design and format of this activity facilitated my learning.
Follow through with your commitment to change by completing the optional CTC form at the end of the course after credit and certificate redemption.
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Conference Format
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